How to download

Posted by Clarion | 7:43 PM | 0 comments »

How to download :


This tutorial is for WINRAR

  1. Click on the links for the video you want to view
  2. Download the files to your desktop or a specific folder (so you can find them later)
  3. Click and highlight all the RAR files for your movie
  4. Right Click on one of the highlighted files
  5. In that menu highlight WINRAR
  6. Highlight and click EXTRACT HERE ( use this option, it will be easy to find your file)
  7. Click and open the video file with your favorite media player.
  8. ENJOY!

If you download in the form data or not in the form winrar . you can :
  1. use program file-SJ :

This tutorial is for File-SJ

  1. Click on the links for the video you want to view
  2. Download the files to your desktop or a specific folder (so you can find them later)
  3. Open File-SJ (if you don’t have this, click here for a free download)
  4. Click the tab marked “JOINING”
  5. Click on the 1st small box on the right (looks like papers with the number 1 on them)
  6. Click on your first input file marked .001 or .__a
  7. Click open
  8. Click Join.
  9. Click and open the video file with your favorite media player.
  10. ENJOY!!!

Indonesia :

  1. klik link yang ada di post. seterah mau pilih link yang mana. mediafire, megaupload, rapidshare. rekomondasi dari saya mediafire karena anda bisa download direct link gratis disini tanpa id dan pasword.
  2. lalu mulai download
  3. perhatian download bagian-bagian part harus selesai jika tidak selesai film/ video tidak akan jadi. jadi anda harus mendownload semua part2 yang di sediakan di post.
  4. bila sudah jadi cari folder yang berbentuk winrar di tempat anda di mana menaruh downlodannya. bila ketemu lalu klik kanan pilih EXTRACT HERE....(download part harus selesai semua)......

Jika download di link berbentuk data atau tidak berbentuk winrar bagaimana cara menjadikan partnya :

  1. gunakan program file-sj untuk join filesnya disini cara2nya :

This tutorial is for File-SJ

  1. Click on the links for the video you want to view
  2. Download the files to your desktop or a specific folder (so you can find them later)
  3. Open File-SJ (if you don’t have this, click here for a free download)
  4. Click the tab marked “JOINING”
  5. Click on the 1st small box on the right (looks like papers with the number 1 on them)
  6. Click on your first input file marked .001 or .__a
  7. Click open
  8. Click Join.
  9. Click and open the video file with your favorite media player.
  10. ENJOY!!!